How to clean a quartz banger

Posted by Matt B on

Cleaning a quartz banger is very important in prolonging the nails viability. After the concentrate has been evaporated on the quartz banger, simply take a q-tip, submerge the cotton swab in some isopropyl alcohol,  and wipe your quartz banger with the isopropyl q-tip. Once clean, you will take the dry side of the same q-tip and wipe all remaining residue from the quartz banger. 

how to clean a quartz banger
cleaning a quartz banger

Why should you clean your quartz banger

You should clean your quartz banger after every concentrated dab to maximise your quartz bangers durability. If you do not clean your quartz banger after every dab, your banger will get “chazzed” and the residue from the concentrate will stain your quartz nail and damage its longevity. The longer you take care of your quartz banger, ie: keeping it clean, Iso after each use, the more heat retention your banger will have, meaning your banger will stay hotter for a longer period of time after your initial nail heat up with the torch.

What's needed to clean your quartz banger

To clean your quartz banger you will need

  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Cotton swabs/ Q-tip

The process of cleaning a quartz banger

Cleaning a quartz banger is very important in prolonging the nails viability. After the concentrate has been evaporated on the quartz banger, simply take a q-tip, submerge the cotton swab in some isopropyl alcohol,  and wipe your quartz banger with the isopropyl q-tip. Once clean, you will take the dry side of the same q-tip and wipe all remaining residue from the quartz banger.